Wednesday, August 12, 2009

snippets of things i've written.

But then he doesn't die, because we just can't kill Cheese Man. He's the most Beloved character of all. He just passes out and then in the end credits you see him getting up and saying something like: Oh noes! My cheese must be worrying, I've been gone so long!!!111!!!1!eleven

Now, Mrs. Beams is the best teacher around. Most teachers would write you up for that kind of language, but Mrs. Beams just asks her why. The girl tells her that Cherry flirts around other people when she has a boyfriend. Mrs. Beams told us that we treat love like imprisonment and as teenagers, we have this set idea of what dating should be like and told how she thinks it should be. She said we shouldn't set our sights on one person, that that is the reason for divorce. Mrs. Beams told us we need variety, we need to see the things we do and do not like to better choose a life-long mate and be truly happy about our decision.

I just can't help but think those random typing on Mavis Beacon translate to "Fuck you" in Klingon.

And how come when gay people watch a straight movie, no one accuses them of being straight?
Okay, all better now. It's 11:58 and I am kept awake by the ripe taste of flat Pepsi and the sheer amusement and pleasure that for five dollars extra [note to self: steal from mom] I can get BOTH books on Amazon. I am in Heaven. A fluffy, pink-cloud, gay-book heaven. And God is Carrie Jones and she is eating fudgicles while watching country music videos with the audio turned down [shhh, she doesn't think I know]. Sidenote: Periods must never, EVER go into square brackets. They are not worthy.

the blogs i have.

Okay, so I have four blogs. One is called Classy-Trashy (or. . .ifellasleeponthekeyboard). It contains whatever thoughts I may have outside of "vegetarian food", "book reviews", or "HAIR!", as those are contained in the other three blogs I have. Blog #2 is called Eat Compassion. I'm kinda hoping I become the next Jennifer McCann. Blog #3 is entitled 365 Hairstyles, and it's a project/concept my friends and I came up with - a different hairstyle for each day. Lastly, of course, is this little bugger. All other blogs are currently in the process of going bye-bye.

What do I blog about overall?
  • Rants from life - which nobody cares about.
  • Vegetarian recipes she’s made or has previously used.
  • Make-up tutorials and review-thingies.
  • Books she has read and loves.
  • Bios on haunted places.
  • Pilates/Yoga cute stuff. Or other exercise blogs.
  • Monthly music playlist.
  • Aforementioned metaphysical (or otherwise) rants.
  • Thoughts that somehow constitute your reading.
  • Updates on the 1000 things I want to do before I die.
  • And most importantly, how much this blog sucks.

An Introduction.

My name is Lindsey, I’m 15 years ancient. I am a Christian and a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian of nearly 2 years (since September 2007). I am an aspiring *deep breath* author, actress, photographer, psychologist, forensic scientist, fashion designer, lover, and ADVENTURER! Along with a few other things, of course. I am a Sophomore in High School with a dream of going to UC Berkeley. If I were a crayon, I’d be that one with all the colors of the rainbow mixed in. If I were an animal, I’d be a zonky (not that I love them any more than all the other creatures).

I love to read, and afterall, that's what this site is all about anyway. I'll just jump straight into reviewing books, and I'll be nice enough to include their links on Shelfari.

I keep all of my posts archived on one SUPER-BLOG called Classy-Trashy (or...ifellasleeponthekeyboard). However, I thought it might be easier to create a little branch of Mr. Super Blog since you probably don't want to scroll through 28 different musical and/or metaphysical posts before reaching what you want. And also - I'm too lazy to tag the mofo's.